Thursday, June 07, 2007


Planning 2 bithday parties for the next 3 weeks. Rebekah is having a 9 girl sleep over on the 15/16th and doing an iron chef cooking party. What's that? Well you take a secret ingredient and make something tasty with it in two teams, in two kitchens in one hour. Should be interesting. :) Morgan, whose real birthday is not until August, is having a Daddy/daughter prom in honor of her 10th birthday with 30 girls and their Daddys! The music is done for that at least and the invitations go out tomorrow.

Operation - 100
been drinking tons of water
attended my first WW meeting (by their scale I have already lost 6 pounds)
worked out 2x at the gym
walked once - but who ordered the darn rain???
eating fresh fruit and veggies at every meal and salad every night with dinner (for everyone)
having issues avoiding sweets.
I am a carb junkie and that is going to be the hardest thing to cut out or cut back.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

6 lbs is awesome!!! WTG!!!